Pathways’ Mission Statement
Recognizing the pain and suffering associated with addictive disorders and the resultant burden to society, the guiding mission of Pathways, in partnership with the people of Renfrew County, is to provide community treatment to substance abusing individuals and their family members.
Our Values
With Respect to our clients:
- There are many diverse roads to recovery and we respect each individual’s right to follow their own process in their journey.
- We recognize that substance abuse creates family system disorder therefore each family member has a right to treatment.
- In the planning of our own programs, client needs are always paramount.
We deliver a client-centered program, and we utilize a wide range of treatment philosophies, including both harm reduction and abstinence-based strategies. We offer individual, marital, family and group counselling to assist individuals in reaching their goals.
Intakes can be done in person or over the telephone. Each client is screened for suitability to the program and if they meet the criteria for admission, an intake, screening and assessment process will follow. Clients then participate in developing a treatment plan that will best suit their needs. It is important to note that our services are confidential and clients can access services from any of our four locations in Renfrew, Arnprior, Beachburg or Pembroke.