Back on Track – Ontario’s Remedial Measures Program for Impaired Drivers

Pathways Alcohol & Drug Treatment Services of Renfrew County is the local service provider for the Back on Track Remedial Measures Program. We have an agreement with the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health to deliver this program. Once you have registered and received confirmation, please call Pathways at 1-888-241-1135 ext221 or ext222.
What is the Remedial Measures Program?
For offences that take place on or after September 30, 1998, the Highway Traffic Act requires convicted impaired drivers or drivers with 2 or more administrative suspensions to successfully complete the Back on Track, which is Ontario’s Remedial Measures Program, before their licences can be reinstated.
If you are convicted of an impaired offence, you will receive a suspension notice from the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario (MTO). The notice includes your remedial requirement and the length of you licence suspension.
You should register for Back on Track within 7 days of your impaired conviction or administrative suspensions. It can take up to 11 months to complete the program.
It is important to note that if you do not complete all three components of the Back on Track program within your suspension period, your licence will be further suspended.
If you fail any component, you will have to re-register, pay the program fee again and restart the program. This could result in a delay in having your driver’s licence reinstated.
Those drivers convicted of an impaired driving offence on or after December 23, 2001 are also subject to ignition interlock requirements. For more information about ignition interlock, you can contact the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario at 1-800-387-3445 or 1-416-235-2999. The ignition interlock service is provided by ALCOLOCK at 1-866-658-6374 or Smart Start 1-844-432-4776..
You may register for the Back on Track Program at the Centre of Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) in the following ways:
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 1-888-814-5831 (Hours of Operation: Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.)
Fax: 1-416-595-6735
Mail: Back on Track, 33 Russell Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 2S1